nano の設定

debian標準のエディタである nano を少し使いやすくする

.nanorc の用意


$ zcat /usr/share/doc/nano/examples/sample.nanorc.gz > .nanorc

.nanorc のカスタマイズ

好みに合わせて .nanorc を変更して設定を変える

## Constantly display the cursor position in the statusbar.  Note that
## this overrides "quickblank".
set constantshow
## (The old form, 'const', is deprecated.)
## Don't wrap text at all.
set nowrap
## Use smooth scrolling as the default.
set smooth
## Use this tab size instead of the default; it must be greater than 0.
set tabsize 4

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Last-modified: 2019-09-20 (金) 16:33:13