
気が付いたら、色々な Preemption Model が設定できるようになっていたのでメモ。

Preemption Model の設定

linux-4.19 からメニュー位置が変更。

Kernel Features  --->
  Preemption Model
General setup  --->
  Preemption Model

Preemption Model

linux-5.3 で CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT の導入

Introduce CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT as a clear sign that the RT patchset will be fully integrated into the mainline kernel in the future merge


CONFIG_PREEMPT_DYNAMIC is automatically selected by CONFIG_PREEMPT if
the architecture provides the necessary support (CONFIG_STATIC_CALL_INLINE,
CONFIG_GENERIC_ENTRY, and provide with __preempt_schedule_function() /

linux-5.14 で CONFIG_SCHED_CORE の導入
CONFIG_SCHED_CORE の記載はない(以下はgitから)

Introduce the basic infrastructure to have a core wide rq->lock.

This relies on the rq->__lock order being in increasing CPU number
(inside a core). It is also constrained to SMT8 per lockdep (and
SMT256 per preempt_count).

Luckily SMT8 is the max supported SMT count for Linux (Mips, Sparc and
Power are known to have this).

以下は、kernel/Kconfig.preempt からの抜粋


No Forced Preemption (Server)

This is the traditional Linux preemption model, geared towards
throughput. It will still provide good latencies most of the
time, but there are no guarantees and occasional longer delays
are possible.

Select this option if you are building a kernel for a server or
scientific/computation system, or if you want to maximize the
raw processing power of the kernel, irrespective of scheduling




Voluntary Kernel Preemption (Desktop)

This option reduces the latency of the kernel by adding more
"explicit preemption points" to the kernel code. These new
preemption points have been selected to reduce the maximum
latency of rescheduling, providing faster application reactions,
at the cost of slightly lower throughput.

This allows reaction to interactive events by allowing a
low priority process to voluntarily preempt itself even if it
is in kernel mode executing a system call. This allows
applications to run more 'smoothly' even when the system is
under load.

Select this if you are building a kernel for a desktop system.





Preemptible Kernel (Low-Latency Desktop)

This option reduces the latency of the kernel by making
all kernel code (that is not executing in a critical section)
preemptible.  This allows reaction to interactive events by
permitting a low priority process to be preempted involuntarily
even if it is in kernel mode executing a system call and would
otherwise not be about to reach a natural preemption point.
This allows applications to run more 'smoothly' even when the
system is under load, at the cost of slightly lower throughput
and a slight runtime overhead to kernel code.

Select this if you are building a kernel for a desktop or
embedded system with latency requirements in the milliseconds




Fully Preemptible Kernel (Real-Time)

This option turns the kernel into a real-time kernel by replacing
various locking primitives (spinlocks, rwlocks, etc.) with
preemptible priority-inheritance aware variants, enforcing
interrupt threading and introducing mechanisms to break up long
non-preemptible sections. This makes the kernel, except for very
low level and critical code paths (entry code, scheduler, low
level interrupt handling) fully preemptible and brings most
execution contexts under scheduler control.

Select this if you are building a kernel for systems which
require real-time guarantees.




Preemption behaviour defined on boot

This option allows to define the preemption model on the kernel
command line parameter and thus override the default preemption
model defined during compile time.

The feature is primarily interesting for Linux distributions which
provide a pre-built kernel binary to reduce the number of kernel
flavors they offer while still offering different usecases.

The runtime overhead is negligible with HAVE_STATIC_CALL_INLINE enabled
but if runtime patching is not available for the specific architecture
then the potential overhead should be considered.

Interesting if you want the same pre-built kernel should be used for
both Server and Desktop workloads.






Core Scheduling for SMT

This option permits Core Scheduling, a means of coordinated task
selection across SMT siblings. When enabled -- see
prctl(PR_SCHED_CORE) -- task selection ensures that all SMT siblings
will execute a task from the same 'core group', forcing idle when no
matching task is found.

Use of this feature includes:
 - mitigation of some (not all) SMT side channels;
 - limiting SMT interference to improve determinism and/or performance.

SCHED_CORE is default disabled. When it is enabled and unused,
which is the likely usage by Linux distributions, there should
be no measurable impact on performance.



SCHED_COREはデフォルトで無効になっています。 Linuxディストリビューションで使用される可能性が高い、有効で未使用の場合、パフォーマンスに測定可能な影響はありません。

※ SMT:Simultaneous Multi-Threading(同時マルチスレッディング)


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Last-modified: 2021-12-15 (水) 13:39:24